
Hello there. My name is Valera Rozuvan (Розуван Валерій in Ukrainian). This is my corner of the Internet. For the longest time I didn’t have an “about me” kind of page, because I didn’t know what to put here 😊 Then one day I decided to treat this like a short version of my autobiography. Who knows, maybe one day I will expand this into an actual book?

I was born in 1988, in the long-forgotten era of The Cold War. A short time after my birth, Ukraine became independent, and I went to kindergarten. School followed. I was raised in a well-educated family with a university background. From that time, I remember piano lessons in a music school, and living in Germany for short periods of time. But the 90s where harsh, and life was tough.

Becoming a teenager, I took great interest in mathematics, and programming. From roughly the age of 12 to 18, me and my family spent time in Canada where I learned the English language. I was also fortunate to finish high school there. The Western people, politics, and their way of life, had a profound effect on my forming as an individual. I am very grateful to my father for this experience.

For university, I returned to Ukraine. I studied physics for 4 years in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, and got a bachelor’s degree. Deciding not to pursue a career as a scientist, my gaze turned to programming and the world of IT. Working for a friend, I spent up to a year on freelance type projects, where I quickly got up to speed on web development.

For the past 12 years, my experience as a software engineer is slowly growing. Working for major Ukrainian IT outsource companies, and sometimes for small startups, I realized that my future lies with computers. The world is becoming interfaced with CPUs on all fronts, and there is a shortage of talented people that can provide solutions to challenging problems.

Aside from my home page, I have Internet presence on other resources. Looking over these, one might be able to get more information about my hobbies and interests.

Having way more things to do than I have free time, I must stop writing here.

Have fun and take care ^_^v!